NAME Geo::Weather - Weather retrieval module SYNOPSIS use Geo::Weather; my $weather = new Geo::Weather; $weather->get_weather('Folsom','CA'); print $weather->report(); -or- use Geo::Weather; my $weather = new Geo::Weather; my $current = $weather->get_weather('95630'); print "The current temperature is $current->{temp} degrees\n"; DESCRIPTION The Geo::Weather module retrieves the current weather from when given city and state or a US zip code FUNCTIONS * new Create and return a new object. * get_weather Gets the current weather from Arguments city - US city or zip code state - US state, not needed if using zip code Sample Code my $current = $weather->get_weather('Folsom','CA'); if (!ref $current) { die "Unable to get weather information\n"; } Returns On sucess, get_weather returns a hashref containing the following keys city - City state - State pic - URL to the current weather image url - URL to the weather results cond - Current condition temp - Current temperature (degees F) wind - Current wind speed dewp - Current dew point (degrees F) humi - Current rel. humidity visb - Current visibility baro - Current barometric pressure heat - Current heat index On error, it returns the following exported error variables Errors $ERROR_QUERY - Invalid data supplied $ERROR_PAGE_INVALID - No URL, or incorrectly formatted URL for retrieving the information $ERROR_CONNECT - Error connecting to $ERROR_NOT_FOUND - Weather for the specified city/state or zip could not be found * report Returns an HTML table containing the current weather. Must call get_weather first. Sample Code print $weather->report(); * lookup Gets current weather given a full URL Sample Code my $current = $weather->lookup(''); Returns On sucess, lookup returns a hashref with the same keys as the get_weather function On error, lookup returns the same errors defined for get_weather AUTHOR Geo::Weather was wrtten by Mike Machado <>.