DBD::Ingres -- an Ingres interface for Perl 5 using DBI. This is the Database Driver for the Ingres family of database products. It requires Ingres 2006 (aka Ingres 9.0) or newer, DBI 1.00 or newer, Perl5.6 or newer. For older versions of Ingres please use version 0.51 of this driver, also available at CPAN. Copyright (c) 1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 Henrik Tougaard <htoug@cpan.org> You may distribute under the terms of either the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License, as specified in the Perl README file. BEFORE BUILDING, TESTING AND INSTALLING this you will need to: Build, test and install Perl 5.6 (or newer) It is very important to test it and install it! Build, test and install the DBI module. It is very important to test it and install it! *** DBI must be at least version 1.00 *** BUILDING If Perl5 is installed do: perl Makefile.PL If Perl5 is NOT installed install it, and come back here later! Then do: make DBI_DSN=<my-favourite-test-database> make test make install HP-UX users (and others) will have to build perl with static extensions: make perl DBI_DSN=<my-favourite-test-database> make test make inst_perl See the MakeMaker docs for further: perldoc ExtUtils::MakeMaker For the test-run *PLEASE* do remember to give the database name. The test pass will create a table named 'testhththt' in this database, manipulate it and delete it again. It is important for the succes of the test that you have the neccesary Ingres permissions. Do NOT hand edit the generated Makefile unless you are completely sure you understand the implications! Always try to make changes via the Makefile.PL command line and/or editing the Makefile.PL. You should never need to make any changes. If you do *please* let me know so that I can try to make it automatic in a later release. New features (See the CHANGES file for a complete list): This is the long-awaited new release incorporating binary/long support from Mike Battersby <mib@unimelb.edu.au>, and a lot of work in removing memory leaks. KNOWN PROBLEMS: o sometime prepared statements don't work - they either give the wrong results, or they error out. The problem seems to have appeared with one of the later patches to Ingres... Work-around: reprepare the statement everytime round 8^{ o the arguments to &sql(connect) must be given in the order: database-name username other-options otherwise the check for username will fail. o Problems have been reported on Digital Unix where the abflnk.opt files does not include '-ldnet_stub'. This will cause wierd errors during "make test" - somewhat like: Can't load './blib/arch/auto/DBD/Ingres/Ingres.so' for module DBD::Ingres: dlopen: Unresolved symbols at /usr/local/lib/perl5/alpha-dec_osf/5.00404/DynaLoader.pm line 166. include '-ldnet_stub' in your abflnk.opt to fix this. o Lenio Eric <elenio@mct.rochester.edu> reports problems using GNU-ld on SunOS. The problems disappeared when he reverted to Sun's ld. Message was: "ld.so: Undefined symbol: _IIGCa_static" o A message somewhat like: install_driver(Ingres) failed: Can't load '....DBD/Ingres/Ingres.so' for module DBD::Ingres: dlopen: cannot load .... usually indicates that the shared Ingres library is not in the path for shared libraries given in LD_LIBRARY_PATH TO DO LIST: o Add cached statements o Track the changes in the DBI spec o Verify that DBD::Ingres works under Apache::DBI (and make neccesary changes) IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS: Firstly, check the Frequently Asked Questions, Known Bugs and any other pertinent documents at: http://dbi.perl.org/ If this does *not* resolve your problem, please post details to dbi-users@perl.org (to subscribe mail to dbi-users-help@perl.org) and CC them to me at htoug@cpan.org (since version 0.52 and later please contact sreagle@cpan.org instead) Please include: 1. A complete log of a complete build, e.g.: perl Makefile.PL -v (do a make realclean first) make DBI_DSN=<database name> make test DBI_TRACE=3 DBI_DSN=<database name> make test 2. Full details of which version of Ingres/esql and Perl you're using. 3. The output of: perl -e 'use Config; print Config::myconfig()' 4. If you get a core dump, try to include a stack trace from it. If the stack trace mentions XS_DynaLoader_dl_load_file then rerun make test after setting the environment variable PERL_DL_DEBUG to 2. Similarly, get the Devel::CoreStack module and use it. 5. Please don't post problems to comp.lang.perl.misc or perl5-porters. 6. If you are not currently subscribed to the mailing list please subscribe via dbi-users-help@perl.org Original document: (c)Tim Bunce Amendments: (c)Alligator Descartes Further amendments: (c)Henrik Tougaard <htoug@cpan.org> Latest amendments: (c)Stefan Reddig <sreagle@cpan.org>