Config::apiLayers =============================== Used as a base module or on its own to manage configuration properties of an application. Its default behavior is to auto-prototype property attributes. Validators can be used to validate values to be set. Configuration can be used with C<Getopt::Long> and C<Getopt::LongUsage> for obtaining configuration. Properties that are imported or directly configured can be stored in one or multiple layers, and do not immediately affect each other. When retrieved, the values of properties are obtained from the layers in a top-down fashion. The values of properties can also be functions. When the value is retrieved, the function is executed which can be used to combine multiple property values together, or do smoething entirely different. EXAMPLE # Configure an instance my $cfg = new Config::apiLayers({ autoproto => 1, attributes => [qw(length, width, area)] }); # Set the default values (the first layer is layer number 0) $cfg->config({ data => { 'length' => 6, 'width' => 10, 'area' => sub { my $cfg = shift; return ($cfg->apicall('length') * $cfg->apicall('width')) } } }); # Perform the computation $cfg->length(5); $cfg->width(8); my $area = $cfg->area; # $area == 40 INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES None. This module is Pure Perl. This module does not use AUTOLOAD. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2015 Russell E Glaue, All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.