INTRODUCTION: Inline::ASM - Write Perl subroutines in assembler. Inline::ASM is an Inline Language Support Module (ILSM) for assembler. Example: use Inline ASM => <<'END', PROTOTYPES => {JAxH=>'SV*(char*)'}; BITS 32 GLOBAL JAxH EXTERN Perl_newSVpvf SECTION .text ; prototype: SV* JAxH(char *x); JAxH push ebp mov ebp,esp mov eax,[ebp+8] push dword eax push dword jaxhstr call Perl_newSVpvf mov esp,ebp pop ebp ret SECTION .data jaxhstr db "Just Another %s Hacker", 0 END print JAxH('Perl'); When run, this complete program prints: Just Another Inline Hacker ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES: Inline::ASM is an ALPHA release. It does not have any test scripts defined because no test script can be guaranteed to work with every version of Perl, different assembler syntaxes, and different platforms. There are several example scripts in the examples directory. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION: This module requires version 0.31 or higher to be installed. To install Inline::ASM do this: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install (On ActivePerl for MSWin32, use nmake instead of make.) You have to 'make install' before you can run it successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION: = For more infor on Inline, see 'perldoc Inline' and 'perldoc Inline-Support' = For information about Inline::, see 'perldoc Inline::C' and 'perldoc Inline::C-Cookbook' = For information on writing your own Inline extension see 'perldoc Inline-API' = For information about the Perl5 internal C API, see 'perldoc perlapi' or try The mailing list is Send email to to subscribe. Please send questions and comments to "Neil Watkiss" <> Copyright (c) 2001, Neil Watkiss. All Rights Reserved.