;These parameters are processed like a Standard INF file. They MUST follow the Standard INF format. ; ; The CoInstaller will process the [TASKS] section. It will perform the INF directives in the [TASKS] section accordingly. ; ; ; ; [Version] ;Required Standard INF Tag Signature = "$CHICAGO$" ;Required DEVTYPE_INI_FILE = 1 ;Required ;These flags are optional. These are used to pass install parameters to the CoInstaller. [FLAGS] ;Required Tag. Do not change label. CTY_PARMS = 0 ;If Country Paramters are defined in the INI file, this field must be Set to 1. [TASKS] ;Required Tag. Do not change label. AddReg = ModemHW_EDIT ;OEM_EDIT [ModemHW_EDIT] HKR,OEM,HwData,1,\ 00,10,00,30,\ 01,80,11,00 HKR,OEM,SPKR_MUTE_DELAY,1,\ E8,03 ; 1000ms