# translation of CD_README-tr.po to Turkish
# Nazmi Savga <savga@catlover.com>, 2003.
# Ömer Fadıl USTA <omer_fad@hotmail.com>, 2002, 2004.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: CD_README-ku\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2005-02-28 18:53+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-04-18 22:51+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Kadir Dilsiz <kadir@linux-ku.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Kurdish <team@linux-ku.com>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:57
#, perl-format
msgid "WELCOME - Mandriva Linux %s"
msgstr " HÛN BI XÊR HATIN - Mandriva Linux %s "

#  NOTE: the formatting (those "\\n
# and the three spaces (or six spaces)
#. NOTE: the formatting (those "\\n" and the three spaces (or six spaces)
#. in some cases) leading extra lines are used for the text version.
#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:81 tools/create_README.txt.pl:63
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"The contents of this CD-ROM are Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Mandriva\n"
"   S.A. and others. Please see the individual copyright notices in each\n"
"   source package for distribution terms. The distribution terms of\n"
"   the tools copyrighted by Mandriva are noted in the file %s."
msgstr ""
"Mafê tekîfên ku di hundirê vî  CD-ROM da yê ©Ên 2003-2005 Mandriva S.A.\n"
"   û ê dinin.Kerema xwe ra bangawazîyên derheqê Mafê Telîfan ên her\n"
"   nivisbarîyê rind bixwûnin. Derheqê mafê telîfên pakêtên Nivisbarîyên\n"
"   Mandriva û Red Hat e agahîyên zêde di dosya %s da heyê."

#  the %s placeholders are for <em> and </em> in html version, and
#. the %s placeholders are for <em> and </em> in html version, and
#. nothing in the text version; that way a same string is used for both
#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:89 tools/create_README.txt.pl:71
#, perl-format
msgid "%sMandriva Linux%s and its logo are trademarks of Mandriva S.A."
msgstr ""
"%sMandriva Linux%s û logoya wî marqeyek pejirandî a Mandriva S.A.' ye ."

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:94 tools/create_index.htm.pl:106
#: tools/create_README.txt.pl:75
msgid "Directory Organization"
msgstr "Şiklên Pêrêze"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:95 tools/create_index.htm.pl:214
#: tools/create_README.txt.pl:111
msgid "Installing"
msgstr "Sazkirin"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:96 tools/create_index.htm.pl:229
#: tools/create_README.txt.pl:124
msgid "Sources"
msgstr "Çavkanî"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:97 tools/create_index.htm.pl:245
#: tools/create_README.txt.pl:138
msgid "Support"
msgstr "Piştgirî"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:98 tools/create_index.htm.pl:281
#: tools/create_README.txt.pl:165
msgid "Contact"
msgstr "Ragîhandin"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:106 tools/create_install.htm.pl:138
#: tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:89 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:95
#: tools/create_README.txt.pl:75
#, perl-format
msgid "1. %s"
msgstr "1. %s"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:108 tools/create_README.txt.pl:77
msgid "This directory is organized as follows:"
msgstr "Pêrêz qeydê jêr da hatîyê organîze kirin:"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:121 tools/create_README.txt.pl:82
msgid "main binary packages"
msgstr "pakêtên cot ên bingehîn ( ên tê şuxilandin ) "

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:126 tools/create_README.txt.pl:83
msgid "contrib binary packages"
msgstr "pakaja bînera contrib ê"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:131 tools/create_README.txt.pl:84
msgid "packages meta data"
msgstr "meta datayên pakajan"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:141 tools/create_README.txt.pl:86
msgid "installation advertising images"
msgstr "Damezrandina deng dide imajan"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:146 tools/create_README.txt.pl:87
msgid "boot images"
msgstr "dosyayên îmaj ên boot û Dendik(Kernel)"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:151 tools/create_README.txt.pl:88
msgid "ramdisk images of the installation"
msgstr "îmaja ramdîske ji bo damezrandine"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:156 tools/create_README.txt.pl:89
msgid "installation program files"
msgstr "Damezrandina belgeya programa"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:161 tools/create_README.txt.pl:90
msgid "isolinux boot images"
msgstr "îmaja isolinux boot ê"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:166 tools/create_README.txt.pl:91
msgid "installation help files in various languages"
msgstr "piştgirîya bi zimanên cuda werê sazkirin"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:171 tools/create_README.txt.pl:92
msgid "installation utilities for DOS"
msgstr "ji bo DOS e programên sazkirinê ên alîkar"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:176 tools/create_README.txt.pl:93
msgid "source files, install trees"
msgstr "dosyayên çavkanî, dara sazkirinê"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:181 tools/create_README.txt.pl:94
msgid "current version number"
msgstr "numra versîyona derbasbar"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:186 tools/create_README.txt.pl:95
msgid "copyright information"
msgstr "agahîyên mafê telîfan"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:191 tools/create_README.txt.pl:96
msgid "installation instructions"
msgstr "dîrektîfên sazkirinê"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:196 tools/create_README.txt.pl:97
msgid "this file in text mode"
msgstr "dosya ku hûn niha dixwûnin"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:203 tools/create_README.txt.pl:101
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"If you are mirroring to a partition or an NFS volume, you'll need to\n"
"   get everything under \"%s\" for installation related\n"
"   files, and everything under \"%s\" for packages, as\n"
"   well as the isolinux images from \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
"Ger hûn dixwazin partisyonek an jî yekeyek  NFS e li hev bi qelibandinê\n"
"   xirav bike her tiştê ku di bin pêrêza \"%s\" yê hewcedarîya we pê\n"
"   çêdibe. Yek jî ji bîr nekin di bin pêrêza \"%s\" yê da dosyayên îmajê\n"
"   ên ku ji bo sîsteme pêwîstê bigrin \"%s\""

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:211 tools/create_index.htm.pl:225
#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:241 tools/create_index.htm.pl:264
#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:277 tools/create_index.htm.pl:288
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:155 tools/create_install.htm.pl:196
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:258 tools/create_install.htm.pl:280
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:323
msgid "top of this page"
msgstr "jorê pelê"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:214 tools/create_install.htm.pl:159
#: tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:90 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:114
#: tools/create_README.txt.pl:111
#, perl-format
msgid "2. %s"
msgstr "2. %s"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:216 tools/create_README.txt.pl:113
#, perl-format
msgid "See the %s file."
msgstr "Li dosya %s e mêzekin."

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:218 tools/create_README.txt.pl:115

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:221 tools/create_README.txt.pl:118
msgid ""
"Mandriva Linux is built with CPU speed optimizations for Pentium-class\n"
"   (Pentium(tm) and compatibles, AMD Athlon, Pentium 4...) so it <b>WILL\n"
"   NOT RUN</b> on older i386 and i486 based computers."
msgstr ""
"Mandriva Linux, Ji bo çîna Pentium (Pentium™ û ên di asta wî da yê, AMD\n"
"   Athlon, Pentium  4,...) an bi taybetî hatîyê çêkirin. Di \n"
"   sîstemên diha kevn da (386 ve 486) <b>NAYÊ ŞUXILANDIN</b>."

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:229 tools/create_install.htm.pl:200
#: tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:91 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:146
#: tools/create_README.txt.pl:124
#, perl-format
msgid "3. %s"
msgstr "3. %s"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:232 tools/create_README.txt.pl:127
msgid ""
"All the Mandriva Linux specific packages come with their sources\n"
"   in the source-CD (PowerPack Edition)."
msgstr ""
"Pakêtên  Mandriva Linux' e ên xweser tevû qodên çavkanî \n"
"   di cd'yê da heyê. (Ev cd di versîyona PowerPack e da heyê)"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:235 tools/create_README.txt.pl:130
msgid "You can download all the source packages from our FTP servers."
msgstr "Hûn dikarin hemû qodên çavkanî ji pêşkeşkera me a  FTP bikşînin."

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:238 tools/create_README.txt.pl:133
msgid ""
"If you don't have any convenient Internet access, Mandriva can\n"
"   send you a source archive for a small fee."
msgstr ""
"Ger ti girêdanên we ên Înternetê tune be , Mandriva Linux dikare\n"
"   arşîva xwe a çavkanî bi erzanî ji we ra bişîne."

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:245 tools/create_README.txt.pl:138
#, perl-format
msgid "4. %s"
msgstr "4. %s"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:247 tools/create_README.txt.pl:140
msgid "For those with web access, check:"
msgstr "bi rêya gîhîştina bi web e:"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:252 tools/create_README.txt.pl:143
msgid "In particular, access to our mailing lists can be found at:"
msgstr "bi endambûyîna lîsta peyamên me ra:"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:258 tools/create_README.txt.pl:147
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"If you don't have any web access you can still subscribe to the main\n"
"   mailing list.  To subscribe, send mail to %s\n"
"   with \"%s\" in the body of the message."
msgstr ""
"Girêdana we a Web e tunebe jî hûn dikarin bibin endamê lîsta peyaman.\n"
"   Ji bo vîya, ji navnîşana %s da, di bêşa peyaman da\n"
"   cîhên ku lê \"%s\" nivisîyê ra  e-postayek bişîne besê."

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:269 tools/create_README.txt.pl:156
msgid ""
"If you did not receive documentation with this product, you can order\n"
"   the Mandriva Linux PowerPack Edition (several Mandriva Linux CDs + \n"
"   Installation &amp; User Guide + installation support!) from our on-line\n"
"   store at:"
msgstr ""
"Ger we bi vî berhemê ra dokumenterak ne girtibe, hûn dikarin berhema\n"
"   Mandriva Linux PowerPack li ser înternetê bixwazin. (Gelek CD yê\n"
"   Mandriva Linux + Rêbera sazkirin û a bikaranînê + Piştgirîya Sazkirinê!).\n"
"   Ji bo zêdetir agahî:"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:281 tools/create_README.txt.pl:165
#, perl-format
msgid "5. %s"
msgstr "5. %s"

#: tools/create_index.htm.pl:283 tools/create_README.txt.pl:167
msgid "Mandriva can be reached at:"
msgstr "Hûn dikarin di navnîşanên jêr da xwe bigîhînin Mandriva' e:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:74 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:61
#, perl-format
msgid "Installation Instructions - Mandriva Linux %s"
msgstr "Dîrektîfên Sazkirinê - Mandriva Linux %s"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:95
msgid "Installation Instructions"
msgstr "Dîrektîfên Sazkirinê "

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:98 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:63
msgid "Required configuration"
msgstr "Veavakirina Pêwîst&nbsp;:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:100 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:64
msgid "Pentium processor or compatible"
msgstr "Pentium an jî ên ku asta wî da "

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:101 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:65
msgid "CDROM drive"
msgstr "CDROM ajoger"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:102 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:66
msgid "At least 32 MB RAM, 64 MB recommended"
msgstr "En hindik 32 MB RAM. 64 MB û jê berjortir tê pêşnîyarkirin."

#. the "%s" placeholder is "point 1" or "point 2", etc.
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:107 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:70
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Installing Mandriva Linux is, in most cases, as simple as putting\n"
"   your Installation CD in your CDROM drive, and restarting your\n"
"   machine. Please refer to %s."
msgstr ""
"Ji bo ku Mandriva Linux'e makîna xwe da sazbikin gelek rê henin. ji vanan\n"
"   zek jî CD ya  Mandriva Linux ê bikin ajogera CD û di  Bios ê da bijareka\n"
"   CD boot vebikin. (bu tür kurulum tavsiye edilirva rêya tê "
"   Ji bo vî sazkirinê dîrektîfa %s. bişopîne."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:110 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:73
msgid "point 1"
msgstr "jibo 1"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:112 tools/create_install.htm.pl:146
#: tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:75 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:103
msgid "NOTE:"
msgstr "TÊBINÎ:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:116 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:78
msgid ""
"If you upgrade from 7.x, 8.x or 9.x Mandriva Linux versions,\n"
"      do not forget to backup your system."
msgstr ""
"Ger hûn sîstema xwe ji versîyona  7.x, 8.x an jî 9.x Mandriva Linux e\n"
"      rojane dikin, girtina şûngira sîstema xwe ji bîrnekin."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:119 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:81
msgid ""
"Upgrading from earlier versions (prior to 7.0) is <b>NOT\n"
"      supported</b>. In that case, you need to do a <b>fresh\n"
"      installation</b> and not an update."
msgstr ""
"Ger hûn sîstema xwe li ser versyonek ji 7.0 an kevntir rojane bikin\n"
"      mixabin ev nabe.\n"
"      Pêwîstê hûn Sîstemê li ser sazkirinek nû sazbikin.\n"
"      Yani versîyonên ji 7.0 an kevntir ROJANE NABE."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:126 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:87
msgid "Below are listed the different ways to install Mandriva Linux:"
msgstr "Di jêr da rêyên sazkirina  Mandriva Linux'e hatîyê ravakirin:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:129 tools/create_install.htm.pl:138
#: tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:89 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:95
msgid "Boot directly from CD"
msgstr "Ji CD'yê boot biki"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:131 tools/create_install.htm.pl:159
#: tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:90 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:114
msgid "Make a boot floppy with Windows"
msgstr "Ji sîstemek Windows e disketa vekirinê çêbike"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:133 tools/create_install.htm.pl:200
#: tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:91 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:146
msgid "Other installation methods"
msgstr "Rêyên sazkirinê ên din"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:141 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:98
msgid ""
"The Installation CDROM is bootable. In most cases, just insert the CD\n"
"   into the drive and reboot the machine. Follow the instructions\n"
"   displayed on screen: press the <b>[Enter]</b> key to start the\n"
"   installation, or press <b>[F1]</b> for additional help."
msgstr ""
"CD' ya sazkirinê xwedîyê taybetîyê Cd'ya vekirinê yê jî hûn dikarin wî\n"
"   wek CD ya vekirinê jî bikarbînin.\n"
"   CD'ya sazkirinê têkin ajogera cd yê. Sîstemê nû va bidi destpêkirin.\n"
"   bi hilbijartina  bijareka ji CD yê boot di BIOS ê da bawerbin.\n"
"   Dema ku Makîne vebibe dîmenderek tê himber we. Ji bo destpêkirina\n"
"   sazkirinê li pê bişkova <b>[Enter]</b> bikin.\n"
"   Hûn dikarin ji bo alîkarîyê li pê bişkova <b>[F1]</b> bikin."

#. the "%s" placeholder is "point 1" or "point 2", etc.
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:150 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:107
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"On some laptops (portable computers), the system may not be\n"
"   able to boot from the CD. In such a case, you should prepare a\n"
"   boot floppy. See %s for details."
msgstr ""
"Ger  CD ya yekemîn da  boot (pêşbarkirin) sernekeve\n"
"   Eynî karê bi CD ya duyemin bi ceribînê.\n"
"   \n"
"   Hindikbi jî hinik kartênbingehîn nikarin  ji CD'yan boot biki .\n"
"   (Di Vekirina Sîstemê da pê li bişkova  del û têkevin bios'ê. Di wîr da \n"
"   di nav menuyên hundirî da   Boot selection an jî yeka mîna wî heyê.\n"
"   Di wir da ji bo 1. boot ê  CDROM'ê hilbijêrin). Ger hûn bi rewşek aha ra\n"
"   rû bi rû man. Çêkirina Dîsketa Vekirinê\n"
"   %s.yönergeyi izleyiniz."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:153 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:110
msgid "point 2"
msgstr "ji bo 2"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:162 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:117
msgid ""
"If your computer cannot boot from the CDROM, you must make a\n"
"   boot floppy under Windows as follows:"
msgstr ""
"Ger Kompîtora we piştgirîya  vekirina (boot) ji CD yê naki hûn\n"
"   dikarin bi şopandina dîrektîfên di jêr da yê dîsketek vekirinê çêbikin:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:167 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:121
msgid ""
"insert the CDROM, then open the icon\n"
"      <i>&quot;My Computer&quot;</i>, right click on the CDROM drive\n"
"      icon and select <i>&quot;Open&quot;</i>"
msgstr ""
"CDROM'ê têkin ajogera cd yê. Dû cara pê sembola Kompîtorê bikin\n"
"      di pencira  vedibe da herê ser ajogera CD carek li pê bişkova mişkê\n"
"      a hêla rastê bikin di menuya vedibe da  \"Vebike\"'ye hibijêrê."

#. the "%s" placeholders are for program names ("dosutils" for the first,
#. and "rawwritewin" for the second
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:173 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:125
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"go into the <i>&quot;%s&quot;</i> directory and\n"
"      double-click on the <i>&quot;%s&quot;</i> icon"
msgstr ""
"têkevin pêrêza <i>\"%s\"</i> .\n"
"      Û dûcara pê li dosya  <i>\"%s\"</i> e bikin"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:176 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:128
msgid "insert a blank floppy in the floppy drive"
msgstr "Dîsketek vala têkin ajogera dîsketê."

#. the "%s" placeholders is for a DOS pathname
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:179 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:130
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"select <i>&quot;%s&quot;</i> in the <i>&quot;Image\n"
"      File&quot;</i> field (assuming that your CDROM drive is\n"
"      &quot;D:&quot;, otherwise replace &quot;D:&quot; as needed)"
msgstr ""
"Cîhê <i>\"Image File\"</i> nivisîyê <i>\"%s\"</i>'ye hilbijêre.\n"
"      ( Me D wek tîpa ajogera Cd pejirandîyê.)"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:184 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:135
msgid ""
"select &quot;A:&quot; in the <i>&quot;Floppy Drive&quot;</i> field then\n"
"      click on <i>&quot;Write&quot;</i>."
msgstr ""
"Cîhê <i>\"Floppy Drive\"</i> nivisîyê <i>\"A:\"</i>'ye hilbijêrê.\n"
"      Û pê li bişkova <i>\"Write\"</i> bikin."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:188 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:138
msgid "To begin the installation:"
msgstr "Destpêkkirina Sazkirinê:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:192 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:141
msgid "insert the CDROM in the drive, as well as the boot floppy, then"
msgstr ""
"Cd yê têkin ajogera CD . Dîsketa ku me ji bo vekirinê çêkiriîyê jî \n"
"      têkin ajogera dîsketê."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:193 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:142
msgid "restart the computer."
msgstr "Kompîtora xwe nû bidi destpêkkirin."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:203 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:149
msgid ""
"If for any reason the previous methods do not fit your needs (you\n"
"   want to perform a network install, an install from pcmcia devices\n"
"   or&nbsp;...), you will also need to make a boot floppy:"
msgstr ""
"Ger sazkirina we ya berê li sîstema nehat \n"
"   an jî hûn bixwazin li ser medyayek din sazkirinê çêbikin\n"
"   pêwîstê hûn berê ji xwe ra dîsketek vekirinê çêbikin:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:209 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:154
msgid "Under <b>Linux</b> (or other modern UNIX systems) type at prompt:"
msgstr "<b>Linux</b> (an jî ji turevên  UNIX  a modern):"

#. th "%s" placeholders are for file names (boot images)
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:214 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:157
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Under <b>Windows</b>, follow the method described in point 2, but\n"
"      using %s (see below) instead of\n"
"      %s."
msgstr ""
"Di bin <b>Windows</b> da çêkirina dîsketa vekirinê  di bêşa\n"
"      2. qalkirin .\n"
"      using %s (see below) instead of %s."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:221 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:163
msgid "Under <b>DOS</b>, assuming your CD is drive D:, type:"
msgstr ""
"Di bin <b>DOS</b> da cd yê têkin ajogerê û fermana jêr da yêi\n"
"      biceribîne:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:227 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:166
msgid "Here the list of boot images:"
msgstr ""
"Cîhên ku lê \"xxxxx.img\" nivisîyê navên îmaja lê tê -ku li jêr\n"
"   nivisîyê-binivisîne:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:232 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:170
msgid "install from CD-ROM"
msgstr "ji bo sazkirina ji ajogera CD ye"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:234 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:173
msgid ""
"install from hard-disk (from a Linux, Windows, or\n"
"                      ReiserFS filesystem)"
msgstr ""
"ji bo sazkirina ji hard-dîsk  (Linux, Windows, an jî\n"
"                      ji dosyayên sîstemên ReiserFS)"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:236 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:176
msgid "you can configure it for your system at:"
msgstr "Hun dikarin ji bo sîstema xwe eyar bikin li:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:241 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:181
msgid "install from ftp/nfs/http"
msgstr "ji bo sazkirina ji pêşkeşkara ftp/nfs/http"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:242 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:183
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"NOTE: you will need to insert %s\n"
"                      in your floppy drive when prompted"
msgstr ""
"NOT: di %s de bi cîh bikin\n"
"                      dema ku ji we hate xweztin"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:246 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:188
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"install from pcmcia devices (warning, most pcmcia\n"
"                      network adapters are now directly supported\n"
"                      from %s)"
msgstr "Ji bo ji amûrên pcmcia yê sazkirin %s)"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:254 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:195
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"You may also burn %s on a CDROM and boot from it. It supports\n"
"   all installations methods, cdrom, network, and hard-disk."
msgstr ""
"Hun dikarin %s ê di CDROM ê de binivsînin û li sêr boot bikin\n"
"   Ew hemu damezrandina dikare nasbike, cdrom, tor, û harddîske."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:263 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:202
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"You can also use a <b>text mode</b> installation if, for any reason,\n"
"   you have trouble with the default graphical installation. To use it,\n"
"   press <b>[F1]</b> at Mandriva Linux welcome screen, then type\n"
"   %s at the prompt."
msgstr ""
"Hûn mejbûr nînin sîstema xwe di yekeneyênnavber ên grafîkî da sazbikin.\n"
"   li gor xwastikêye hûn dikarin serî li sîstema sazkirinê a bi nivskî jî\n"
"   bixînin. Ji bo vîya dîmena Hûn bi xêr hatin  Mandriva Linux'e derket pê\n"
"   li bişkova<b>[F1]</b> bikin û rêza fermanê çakbikin . Agahîyên pêwîstê\n"
"   li wir bixwûnin.\n"
"   Niha di rêza fermanê da  %s binivisînê(dunika nenivisînê) û\n"
"   li pê bişkova <b>[Enter]</b> bikin."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:269 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:208
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"If you need to <b>rescue</b> your existing Mandriva Linux system,\n"
"   insert your Installation CDROM (or any relevant boot floppy), press\n"
"   <b>[F1]</b> at Mandriva Linux welcome screen, then type\n"
"   %s at the prompt."
msgstr ""
"Ger pêwîstîya we bi rizgarkirina sîstema we ya  Mandriva Linux ê çêbibe\n"
"   (ku bi rewşek aha ra rû bi rû mayîn bi sazkirinek normal ra alaqedar "
"   eynî wek me sazkirina li nivîskî kiriyî di dêmendera Vekirina "
"Mandriva Linux\n"
"   ê da li pê bişkova <b>[F1]</b> biki. Di rêza fermana derdikevê da\n"
"   %s binivisîne <b>[Enter]</b> û li pê biskova . "

#. the "%s" placeholder is for a long URL address
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:276 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:215
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"See %s \n"
"   for more technical information."
msgstr ""
"Di malpera %s da zêdetir\n"
"   teknîkî heyê."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:284 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:221
msgid "Below are the main stages of installation:"
msgstr "Xetên bingegîn ê sazkirinek nirmal wek jêrê:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:289 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:225
msgid ""
"Insert your Installation CDROM (or Installation Floppy disk if\n"
"      necessary) and restart your machine."
msgstr ""
"CD ya sazkirinê(an jî dîsketa vekirinê) têkin ajogera CD ye(an jî\n"
"      ajogera dîsketê) û makîna xwe nû va bidi destpêkirin."

#. the "%s" placeholders are for <b>...</b> in the html version; and
#. nothing in the text version; so the same string can be used for both
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:292 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:230
msgid ""
"Press <b>[Enter]</b> when the Mandriva Linux welcome screen\n"
"      appears and carefully follow the instructions."
msgstr ""
"Dema ku dîmendara Mandriva Linux derket dîrekt li pê bişkova<b>[Enter]</b>\n"
"      bikin.\n"
"      Dîrektîfên sazkirinê bişopîne û li gor xwe bi tewrek sazkirinê \n"
"      bidi destpêkirin.(Bawerbin gelek hêsanê.)"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:295 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:233
msgid ""
"When the installation is complete take out the CD-ROM when\n"
"      ejected (and any floppy disk if present in drive); your machine\n"
"      will restart. If it does not, restart it manually."
msgstr ""
"Dema ku karê sazkirinê xilas bû CD-ROM û dîsketê derbixin (ger\n"
"      tê da hebê). Ger pirsgireken tunebê Makîna we xwe bi xwe\n"
"      didi destpêkirin. Ger xwe bi xwe nebû hûn wer bikin."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:299 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:237
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"Mandriva Linux will start. After bootup, you can login on your\n"
"      machine under the user account setup during install, or as\n"
"      &quot;%s&quot;."
msgstr ""
"Mandriva Linux'a we vedibe.Piştî vekirinê  bi <i>&quot;%s&quot;</i> têkevinê\n"
"      û eyarên xwe ên pêwîst temam bikin. (ji bîr nekin ku hûn heya\n"
"      bikarhinêrek <i>&quot;root&quot;</i> bin hûn tu caran nayên şîyarkirin "
"      jî nayê sekinandin. Hûn dikarin zirarê bidin sîstemê.) (Ji ber vî "
"      vekirina hesavek din ji we ra pêşnîyarkirin.)"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:306 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:242
msgid "Important note:"

#  the "%s" placeholders are for "root" and commands to launch programs
#. the "%s" placeholders are for "root" and commands to launch programs
#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:310 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:246
#, perl-format
msgid ""
"The %s account will give you unrestricted\n"
"   access to your Linux system. Do not use it except to configure or\n"
"   administer Linux. For every day use, use a normal user account\n"
"   which you can configure with the\n"
"   %s tool, or with the commands\n"
"   %s and %s."
msgstr ""
"Di Linux'ê da wateyên taybet ên hesavê <i>&quot;%s&quot;</i> henin.\n"
"   <i>&quot;root&quot;</i> ne wek bikarhinêrek, wek rêvebirek tê dîtin .\n"
"   Û sîstem wî bi her awayê pispor divînê. Ji ber vî yekê ew tu car\n"
"   nayê hişyarkirin û bê hişyarî dikarê hemû sîstemê jêbiber. Ji ber\n"
"   vî yekê piştş sazkirina sîstemê <b>%s</b> bikaranîna sepandinê\n"
"   bikarhinêrên nû avabikin, wan bikarhinêra di karên rojane da\n"
"   bişuxilîne .Xwedîbûna raya  Root e ji karîzma yê bêtir  \n"
"   BERPIRSÎYARÎ yê dixwazi. TU CARAN bi hesavên xwe ên ROOT ê\n"
"   NEKEVIN cêhên ku hûn jê fehm nakin %s and %s."

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:321 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:257
msgid "Good luck with Mandriva Linux!"
msgstr "Bi Mandriva Linux'e ji wera şansên baş&nbsp;!"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:327 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:261
msgid "For additional support, see the following:"
msgstr "Ji bo zêdetir alîkarîyê li malperên jêr mêze bikin:"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:331 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:264
#, perl-format
msgid "E-Support at %s"
msgstr "Ji bo alîkarîya Pispor %s"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:333 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:266
#, perl-format
msgid "Mandriva Linux Errata at %s"
msgstr "Ji bo agahîyên Versîyonê  %s"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:337 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:269
#, perl-format
msgid "Mandriva Linux Security Advisories at %s"
msgstr "Ji bo Şêwirdara Ewlekarî %s"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:340 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:272
#, perl-format
msgid "On-line Documentation at %s"
msgstr "Ji bo Dokumenterên Online  %s"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:343 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:275
#, perl-format
msgid "Read and join the On-line Discussion Forums of Mandriva Club at %s"
msgstr "Mandriva Club %s"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:346 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:278
#, perl-format
msgid "Join the Mailing Lists at %s"
msgstr "Joi bo Lîsteya Peyaman %s"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:349 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:281
#, perl-format
msgid "Easily Searchable Mailing List archives at %s"
msgstr "Ji bo di nav Lîsteya Peyaman da lêgerîn %s"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:352 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:284
msgid "Search the Internet using Google for Linux"
msgstr "Ji bo di Înternettê da lêgerîna Google ji bo Linux"

#: tools/create_install.htm.pl:356 tools/create_INSTALL.txt.pl:288
#, perl-format
msgid "Search Usenet Groups using Google Groups at %s"
msgstr "Ji bo lêgerîna komên USENET  %s"

#~ msgid "install from a hard-disk or a cdrom connected to USB"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Sazkirina ji hard-dîsk a ku bi USB'ye ra girêdayê an jî ji ajogera cd\n"
#~ "                   "