NAME Catmandu::RKD - Retrieve items from the RKD SYNOPSIS This module contains two submodules; a fix to lookup a name in RKD <> , and a store to lookup an artist id (kunstenaarsnummer) in the RKD database. DESCRIPTION Catmandu::Fix::rkd_search The fix takes a name (first name, last name or a combination) and performs a lookup to the RKD artists database. It returns an array of results. Every result is of the form: { 'title' => 'Name of the person', 'description' => 'Short description, as provided by RKD', 'artist_link' => 'Link to the artist using the artist id', 'guid' => 'Permalink to the record' } For some names, it can/will return multiple possibilities. You must determine yourself which one is the 'correct' one. Catmandu::Store::RKD The store takes an artist id (kunstenaarsnummer) and performs a lookup to the RKD artists database. It returns an array containing either one or no results. Every result is of the form: { 'title' => 'Name of the person', 'description' => 'Short description, as provided by RKD', 'artist_link' => 'Link to the artist using the artist id', 'guid' => 'Permalink to the record' } SEE ALSO Catmandu Catmandu::Fix::rkd_name Catmandu::Store::RKD AUTHORS Pieter De Praetere, pieter at CONTRIBUTORS Pieter De Praetere, pieter at COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This package is copyright (c) 2016 by PACKED vzw. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.