# File-Strfile `File::Strfile` is a Perl module that provides an object-oriented interface for reading and writing strfiles, like those used by the classic Unix program `fortune(6)`. # INSTALLATION To build and install this module, run the following commands: ``` perl Makefile.PL make make test make install ``` See the documentation for `ExtUtils::MakeMaker` for more information on how to configure the build process. # SUPPORT AND DOCUMENTATION After installing this module, you can read the documentation for it via `perldoc`. ``` perldoc File::Strfile ``` # SUPPORT Report bugs on `File::Strfile`'s [Codeberg Page](https://codeberg.org/1-1sam/File-Strfile). For other issues, contact the maintainer. # AUTHOR Written by Samuel Young, *samyoung12788 at gmail dot com*. # COPYRIGHT Copyright 2024, Samuel Young This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.