INTRODUCTION This is the README file for the PERL module Text::ASED Text::ASED is avaiable for download at under the Text category or under the CPAN author ID: TDL I use Perl version 5.005.62; Text::ASED should work with earlier versions, but I haven't tried it, so I don't know. All files contained in this installation are Copyright (c) 2002 Tom Legrady. All rights reserved. This library is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. WHAT IS Text::ASED? Text::ASED provides a different interface to the standard Perl regexp commands. There is nothing you can do using Text::ASED which you cannot do using pure Perl. Quite the contrary, there are some things which are difficult or impossible to achieve using text::ASED, though over time I hope to extend what is possible. Instead, Text::ASED makes it easier to encapsulate and abstract the file editing components of a script, simplifying the process of declaring the changes to perform in a configuration section at the top of a script or in a separate file. This also assists localization and internationalization, since the code itself is unchanged, only the configuration section or the external file is modified. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Any questions or comments (Please send your feeback) should be addressed to - Tom Legrady <> - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALLATION To install the library, run these commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install After installation, you should be able to see the brief documentation by typing "man Text::ASED" You will now be able to access the Text::ASED methods by adding "use Text::ASED" at the beginning of your PERL program. DOCUMENTATION POD documentation is provided in the file After installation, this becomes available as a man page, text::ASED. Examples of use are included in the test files, under the t/ subdirectory.