NAME Net::Magallanes - encapsulation of API calls to RIPE Atlas project. SYNOPSIS use Net::Magallanes; my $atlas = new Net::Magallanes ( KEY => '<YOUR_API_KEY>' ); my $msm_id = $atlas->dns( name => '', type => 'A', ); # Wait for RIPE Atlas to complete sleep(120); my @result = $atlas->answers($msm_id, 'A'); print "Result is ", join ',', @result; DESCRIPTION Net::Magallanes is a pure perl interface to the RIPE Atlas API, for requesting measurements and getting data from past measurements. More information on RIPE Atlas platform: *WARNING*: This module is a "work in progress". By no means does it allow full API handling. Functionality will be added as needed. It is currently a minimal implementation, which works for the cases indicated in the documentation. DESCRIPTION Net::Magallanes is a pure perl interface to the RIPE Atlas API, for requesting measurements and getting data from past measurements. More information on RIPE Atlas platform: METHODS new Creates a new Net::Magallanes object. There're two optional parameters: KEY => '<Secret API Key for RIPE Atlas>' If you want to create new measurements, you must provide an API key for your RIPE Atlas account. INFILES => '<path/filename>[,<morefiles>]' If you want to use an existing JSON file with a previous measurement, instead of downloading one from Atlas API site. You can use more than one file, comma separated. answers(<MSM-id> [, { TYPE => <qtype>, TIMESTAMP => 1 }]) Get an array of answers from the previous measurement with id MSM-id. The "answers" are the records from the ANSWER section of a DNS measurement. You can specify a qtype 'A' (default) or 'AAAA', and you'll get an array of addresses from the corresponding answer. With other types you'll get an array with a printable representation of each answer. If you ask for TIMESTAMP, then you'll have also the time when each measurement was done, as epoch seconds. The output will be an array of pairs (time, answer). nsids(<MSM-id>) Get an array of NSID texts from the results of a previous measurement MSM-id. If there's no NSID for a result, you'll get a 'NULL' string. rcodes((<MSM-id> [, { TIMESTAMP => 1 }]) Get an array of RCODE texts from the results of a previous measurement MSM-id. If you ask for TIMESTAMP, then you'll have also the time when each measurement was done, as epoch seconds. The output will be an array of pairs (time, answer). dns( name => '<QNAME>' [, type => '<QTYPE>'] [, num_prb => '<NUM_PROBES'> ]) Create a new "one-off" DNS measurement, asking for the name <QNAME> (required) and type <QTYPE> (AAAA default), from <NUM_PROBES> (default 5) probes at random, with worldwide coverage. You must had initialized the Net::Magallanes object with a valid API key, with enough permissions and credits for measurement creation. Return the measurement id assignated by Atlas platform. You should take care for waiting enough time (5~6 minutes) before asking for the results of this measurement. The measurement uses sensible parameters like DO bit set, 1232 EDNS buffer size, recursive towards the probe resolver, etc. AUTHOR Hugo Salgado <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2021- Hugo Salgado LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to the Carabela for all the goals.