Module::Build::Smolder - Extra build targets for sending smoke tests to
    a Smolder server

    Version 0.01

    Easily add support for extra build targets to send TAP Archives to a
    Smolder server

    In your Build.PL

        use Module::Builder::Smolder;
        my $builder = Module::Builder::Smolder->new(

    Now you get these build targets

        ]$ perl Build.PL
        ]$ ./Build smolder ...

    The following build targets are provided:

    Create a TAP archive and then send it to Smolder.

   Required Flags
     This target needs to know where to send the archive, so it needs the following options:


        ]$ ./Build smolder --server --username foo --password s3cr3t --project_id 5

   Optional Flags
        The Smolder user uploading the report. If not specified it will be
        uploaded anonymously

        Specify the file to store the archive

        Name of the architecture for the report

        Name of the CPU platform

        Comma separated list of tags for this report

        Free form text to associate with the smoke report

        If you've already run the tests and created a TAP Archive and you
        just want to submit that one to Smolder again, use this flag so that
        it doesn't run the tests again. Really useful when troubleshooting.

    Michael Peters, "<mpeters at>"

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to
    "bug-module-build-taparchive at", or through the web
    interface at
    <>. I
    will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
    on your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Module::Build::Smolder

    You can also look for information at:

    * RT: CPAN's request tracker

    * AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation

    * CPAN Ratings

    * Search CPAN

    Copyright 2009 Michael Peters, all rights reserved.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.