

Net::SharePoint::Basic - Basic interface to Microsoft SharePoint REST API.

This module provides a basic interface for managing the Shared Folders
catalog in the Microsoft SharePoint site via its REST API. In the
current version only the following actions are supported: 

 * generating a connection token
 * upload file or string
 * download file content and save it
 * list contents of folder
 * create new folder
 * delete file or folder

More actions are expected to be added in the future as well as we plan
to increase the versatility of the arguments accepted by this module
and the sample implementation of a client, 'sp-client', that comes
with it. 

The interface is object oriented. A few constants are exported.

The full testing (and naturally the full usage) of the module requires
a working SharePoint site configuration. The structure of the
configuration file will be described in this manual as well. The
sample configuration file provided in this distribution will not work
against SharePoint and plays the role of a placeholder only. 

    use Net::SharePoint::Basic;

    my $sp = Net::SharePoint::Basic->new({config_file => 'sharepoint.conf'});
    # creates Shared Documents/test
    my $response = $sp->makedir({retries => 1}, '/test');
    # uploads a string as Shared Documents/test/teststring
    $sp->upload({}, '/test/teststring', 'abcd');
    # uploads a file 'testfile' into Shared Documents/test/
    $sp->upload({type => 'file'}, '/test/', 'testfile');
    # downloads contents of a file
    $sp->download({}, '/test/teststring');
    # downloads contents and saves it to a file
    $sp->download({save_file => 'testfile'}, '/test/teststring');
    # lists contents of a folder
    $sp->list({}, '/test');
    # deletes the folder
    $sp->delete({}, '/test');

This module was developed based on the MSDN SharePoint REST API at . 


For testing your own SharePoint configuration you need to provide the
path to the file containing it in the environment variable
NET_SHAREPOINT_CONFIG. For more information on the configuration file
please read the section 'CONFIGURATION FILE' in the POD of
Net::SharePoint::Basic . The file provided is a placeholder and will
not work against your setup. It will be ignored for most of the API
testing stages. 

To install this module, run the following commands:

	perl Build.PL
	./Build test
	./Build install


After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the
perldoc command.

    perldoc Net::SharePoint::Basic

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    RT, CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)

    AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation

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Copyright (C) 2018-2019 VMware Inc. All rights reserved. 

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See LICENSE.txt for more information.