subst - Greple module for text search and substitution


Version 2.01


greple -Msubst --dict _dictionary_ \[ options \]

    --diffcmd command


This **greple** module supports search and substitution for text based
on dictionary file.

Dictionary file is given by **--dict** option and contians pattern and
correct string pairs.

    greple -Msubst --dict DICT

If the dictionary file cotains following data:

    colou?r      color
    cent(er|re)  center

Then above command find first pattern which does not match to second
string, that is "colour" and "centre" in this case.

Field "//" in dictionary file is ignored, so this file can be written
like this:

    colou?r      //  color
    cent(er|re)  //  center

You can use same file by **greple**'s **-f** option and string after
"//" is ignored as a comment in that case.

    greple -f DICT ...

- **--check**=_ng_|_ok_|_any_|_outstand_|_all_|_none_

    Option **--check** takes argument from _ng_, _ok_, _any_,
    _outstand_, _all_ and _none_.

    With default value _outstand_, command will show information about
    correct and incorrect words only when incorrect word was found.

    With value _ng_, command will show information only about incorrect
    word.  If you want to get data for correct word, use _ok_ or _any_.

    Value _all_ and _none_ makes sense only when used with **--stat**

- **--select**=_N_

    Select _N_th entry from the dictionary.  Argument is interpreted by
    [Getopt::EX::Numbers](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt::EX::Numbers) module.  Range can be defined like

- **--stat**

    Print statistical information.  By default, it only prints information
    about incorrect words.  Works with **--check** option.

- **--subst**

    Substitute matched pattern to correct string.

- **--diff**
- **--diffcmd**=_command_

    Option **-diff** produce diff output of original and converted text.

    Specify diff command name used by **--diff** option.  Default is "diff

- **--replace**

    Replace the target file by converted result.  Original file is renamed
    to backup name with ".bak" suffix.

- **--create**

    Create new file and write the result.  Suffix ".new" is appended to
    original filename.


Copyright (C) Kazumasa Utashiro.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.





Kazumasa Utashiro