/***** * simplex.asy * Andy Hammerlindl 2004/07/27 * * Solves the two-variable linear programming problem using the simplex method. * This problem is specialized in that the second variable, "b", does not have * a non-negativity condition, and the first variable, "a", is the quantity * being maximized. * Correct execution of the algorithm also assumes that the coefficient of "b" * will be +1 or -1 in every added restriction, and that the problem can be * initialized to a valid state by pivoting b with one of the slack * variables. This assumption may in fact be incorrect. *****/ struct problem { typedef int var; static var VAR_A = 0; static var VAR_B = 1; static int OPTIMAL = -1; static var UNBOUNDED = -2; static int INVALID = -3; struct row { real c, t[]; } // The variables of the rows. // Initialized for the two variable problem. var[] v = {VAR_A, VAR_B}; // The rows of equalities. row rowA() { row r = new row; r.c = 0; r.t = new real[] {1, 0}; return r; } row rowB() { row r = new row; r.c = 0; r.t = new real[] {0, 1}; return r; } row[] rows = {rowA(), rowB()}; // The number of original variables. int n = rows.length; // Pivot the variable v[col] with vp. void pivot(int col, var vp) { var vc=v[col]; // Recalculate rows v[col] and vp for the pivot-swap. row rvc = rows[vc], rvp = rows[vp]; real factor=1/rvp.t[col]; // NOTE: Handle rvp.t[col] == 0 case. rvc.c=-rvp.c*factor; rvp.c=0; rvc.t=-rvp.t*factor; rvp.t *= 0; rvc.t[col]=factor; rvp.t[col]=1; var a=min(vc,vp); var b=max(vc,vp); // Recalculate the rows other than the two used for the above pivot. for (var i = 0; i < a; ++i) { row r=rows[i]; real m = r.t[col]; r.c += m*rvc.c; r.t += m*rvc.t; r.t[col]=m*factor; } for (var i = a+1; i < b; ++i) { row r=rows[i]; real m = r.t[col]; r.c += m*rvc.c; r.t += m*rvc.t; r.t[col]=m*factor; } for (var i = b+1; i < rows.length; ++i) { row r=rows[i]; real m = r.t[col]; r.c += m*rvc.c; r.t += m*rvc.t; r.t[col]=m*factor; } // Relabel the vars. v[col] = vp; } // As b does not have a non-negativity condition, it must initially be // pivoted out for a variable that does. This selects the initial // variable to pivot with b. It also assumes that there is a valid // solution with a == 0 to the linear programming problem, and if so, it // picks a pivot to get to that state. In our case, a == 0 corresponds to // a picture with the user coordinates shrunk down to zero, and if that // doesn't fit, nothing will. // // If b has a minimal value, choose a pivot that will give b its minimal // value. Otherwise, if b has maximal value, choose a pivot to give b its // maximal value. var initVar() { real min; var argmin; var i=2; for (; i < rows.length; ++i) { row r=rows[i]; if (r.t[VAR_B] > 0) { min=r.c/r.t[VAR_B]; argmin=i; break; } } for (; i < rows.length; ++i) { row r=rows[i]; if (r.t[VAR_B] > 0) { real val=r.c/r.t[VAR_B]; if (val < min) { min=val; argmin=i; } } } if(argmin != 0) return argmin; real max; var argmax; var i=2; for (; i < rows.length; ++i) { row r=rows[i]; if (r.t[VAR_B] < 0) { max=r.c/r.t[VAR_B]; argmax=i; break; } } for (; i < rows.length; ++i) { row r=rows[i]; if (r.t[VAR_B] < 0) { real val=r.c/r.t[VAR_B]; if (val > max) { max=val; argmax=i; } } } if(argmax != 0) return argmax; return UNBOUNDED; } // Initialize the linear program problem by moving into an acceptable state // this assumes that b is unrestrained and is the second variable. // NOTE: Works in limited cases, may be bug-ridden. void init() { // Find the lowest constant term in the equations. var lowest = 0; for (var i = 2; i < rows.length; ++i) { if (rows[i].c < rows[lowest].c) lowest = i; } // Pivot if necessary. if (lowest != 0) pivot(VAR_B, lowest); } // Selects a column to pivot on. Returns OPTIMAL if the current state is // optimal. Assumes we are optimizing the first row. int selectColumn() { int i=find(rows[0].t > 0,1); return (i >= 0) ? i : OPTIMAL; } // Select the new variable associated with a pivot on the column given. // Returns UNBOUNDED if the space is unbounded. var selectVar(int col) { // We assume that the first two vars (a and b) once swapped out, won't be // swapped back in. This finds the variable which gives the tightest // non-negativity condition restricting our optimization. This turns // out to be the max of c/t[col]. Note that as c is positive, and // t[col] is negative, all c/t[col] will be negative, so we are finding // the smallest in magnitude. var vp=UNBOUNDED; real max=0; int i=2; for (; i < rows.length; ++i) { row r=rows[i]; if(r.c < 0) r.c=0; // Fix any numerical precision error if(r.t[col] < 0) { max=r.c/r.t[col]; vp=i; break; } } for (; i < rows.length; ++i) { row r=rows[i]; if(r.c < 0) r.c=0; // Fix any numerical precision error if(r.c < max*r.t[col]) { max=r.c/r.t[col]; vp=i; } } return vp; } // Checks that the rows are in a valid state. bool valid() { // Checks that constants are valid. bool validConstants() { for (int i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) // Do not test the row for b, as it does not have a non-negativity // condition. if (i != VAR_B && rows[i].c < 0) return false; return true; } // Check a variable to see if its row is simple. // NOTE: Simple rows could be optimized out, since they are not really // used. bool validVar(int col) { var vc = v[col]; row rvc = rows[vc]; if (rvc.c != 0) return false; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (rvc.t[i] != (i == col ? 1 : 0)) return false; return true; } if (!validConstants()) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) if (!validVar(i)) { return false; } return true; } // Perform the algorithm to find the optimal solution. Returns OPTIMAL, // UNBOUNDED, or INVALID (if no solution is possible). int optimize() { // Put into a valid state to begin and pivot b out. var iv=initVar(); if (iv == UNBOUNDED) return iv; pivot(VAR_B, iv); if (!valid()) return INVALID; while(true) { int col = selectColumn(); if (col == OPTIMAL) return col; var vp = selectVar(col); if (vp == UNBOUNDED) return vp; pivot(col, vp); } // Shouldn't reach here. return INVALID; } // Add a restriction to the problem: // t1*a + t2*b + c >= 0 void addRestriction(real t1, real t2, real c) { row r = new row; r.c = c; r.t = new real[] {t1, t2}; rows.push(r); } // Return the value of a computed. real a() { return rows[VAR_A].c; } // Return the value of b computed. real b() { return rows[VAR_B].c; } }