%%  The LaTeX Graphics Companion, 2ed (first printing May 2007)
%%  Example 11-4-10 on page 764.
%%  Copyright (C) 2007 Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, Denis Roegel, Sebastian Rahtz, Herbert Vo\ss 
%%  It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
%%  of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%%  of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%%  See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details.

% Show page(s) 1,2

% graphic converted to gray in book


\section{Reveal a table row by row}
  \frametitle{Reveal rows and columns in a table}
  \framesubtitle{Using the pause macro}
    \rowcolor{gray}\bfrm{package} & \bfrm{date} & \bfrm{function}\\
    pstricks.tex & 2004 & basic package                   \pause \\
    pst-3d.tex   & 1999 & basic 3-D macros                \pause \\
    pst-char.tex & 1999 & character manipulation          \pause \\
    pst-coil.tex & 1999 & coils and zig zags              \pause \\
    pst-eps.tex  & 1999 & EPS export                      \pause \\
    pst-fill.tex & 2004 & filling and tiling              \pause \\
    pst-grad.tex & 2004 & color gradients                 \pause \\
    pst-xkey.tex & 2005 & key setting                     \pause \\
    pst-node.tex & 2001 & nodes and connections           \pause \\
    pst-plot.tex & 2000 & plotting functions              \pause \\
    pst-text.tex & 1999 & text manipulations              \pause \\
    pst-tree.tex & 2004 & trees
\section{Uncover a table columnwise}
  \frametitle{Reveal rows and columns in a table}
  \framesubtitle{Using the onslide macro}
    \rowcolor{gray}\bfrm{package} & \bfrm{date} & \bfrm{function}\\
    pstricks.tex & 2004 & basic package\\
    pst-3d.tex   & 1999 & basic 3-D macros\\
    pst-char.tex & 1999 & character manipulation\\
    pst-coil.tex & 1999 & coils and zig zags\\
    pst-eps.tex  & 1999 & EPS export\\
    pst-fill.tex & 2004 & filling and tiling\\
    pst-grad.tex & 2004 & color gradients\\
    pst-xkey.tex  & 2005 & key setting\\
    pst-node.tex & 2001 & nodes and connections\\
    pst-plot.tex & 2000 & plotting functions\\
    pst-text.tex & 1999 & text manipulations\\
    pst-tree.tex & 2004 & trees

\section{Uncover a table rowwise II}
  \frametitle{Reveal rows and columns in a table}
  \framesubtitle{Using the onslide macro}
    \rowcolor{gray}\bfrm{package} & \bfrm{date} & \bfrm{function}\\
    pstricks.tex & 2004 & basic package                   \onslide<2->\\
    pst-3d.tex   & 1999 & basic 3-D macros  \onslide<3->\\
    pst-char.tex & 1999 & character manipulation          \onslide<4>\\
    pst-coil.tex & 1999 & coils and zig zags              \onslide<5->\\
    pst-eps.tex  & 1999 & EPS export                      \onslide<6,4>\\
    pst-fill.tex & 2004 & filling and tiling              \onslide<7->\\
    pst-grad.tex & 2004 & color gradients                 \onslide<2-8>\\
    pst-xkey.tex  & 2005 & key setting                    \onslide<9->\\
    pst-node.tex & 2001 & nodes and connections           \onslide<1,5,10->\\
    pst-plot.tex & 2000 & plotting functions\onslide<11->\\
    pst-text.tex & 1999 & text manipulations              \onslide<12->\\
    pst-tree.tex & 2004 & trees