% --- start of displayed preamble in the book ---

% --- end of displayed preamble in the book ---
boolean inversed; % added D. Roegel May 1st, 2006
inversed=false;   % original drawing corresponds to inversed=false. true
                  % gives black on white
path p[];
def pointtopair(expr x,y,z)=
(-x*cosd a + y*sind a,
 -x*sind a * sind b -y*cosd a * sind b
  + z*cosd b)
%basic path (the shape of the boundary)
%can be molded, can be constrained etc
p1:= (0,3size){right}..
%path with regular---nearly so---
%distributed points
n:=0;%number of points along the curve
p10:= point 0 of p1 hide(n:=n+1)..
   for t:=1 upto 19: hide(n:=n+1)
   point .05t of p1..endfor
 point 1 of p1 hide(n:=n+1)..
   for t:=1 upto 13: hide(n:=n+1)
   point 1+t/14 of p1..endfor
 point 2 of p1 hide(n:=n+1)..
   for t:=1 upto 3: hide(n:=n+1)
   point 2+t/4 of p1..endfor
 point 3 of p1 hide(n:=n+1)..
   for t:=1 upto 3: hide(n:=n+1)
   point 3+t/4 of p1..endfor
%viewing angle parameters
b:=-10; a:=60;
p100:= for k=0 upto n-1:
    pointtopair(0,xpart(point k of p10),
                  ypart(point k of p10))..
    endfor pointtopair(0,0,0);
p200:= for k=0 upto n-1:
    pointtopair(xpart(point k of p10), 0,
                ypart(point k of p10))..
    endfor pointtopair(0,0,0);
p300:= for k=0 upto n-1:
    pointtopair(0,-xpart(point n-k of p10),
          3size-ypart(point n-k of p10))..
    endfor pointtopair(0,0,0);
p400:= for k=0 upto n-1:
    pointtopair(-xpart(point n-k of p10),
     0, 3size-ypart(point n-k of p10))..
    endfor pointtopair(0,0,0);
if inversed: draw else: fill fi
if not inversed:
  drawoptions(withcolor white);
pickup pencircle scaled .5pt;
%Top ring and hang up (rope)
draw point 0 of p100..
     point 0 of p100 + (0,.1size)..cycle;
draw point 0 of p100 + (0,.1size)..
     point 0 of p100 + (0,3size);
%Draw boundary curves
draw p100; draw p200; draw p300; draw p400;
%Draw (partially hidden) regular surfaces
pickup pencircle scaled .1pt;
for k=0 step 1 until n:
  draw point k of p200..point n-k of p300;
for k=0 upto n:
  draw point k of p400..point n-k of p100;
if inversed:
  fill p100..reverse p200..cycle withcolor white;
  fill p100..reverse p200..cycle withcolor black;
pickup pencircle scaled .1pt;
draw p100; draw p200;
draw point 0 of p100--origin;
%Draw regular surface which is in sight
for k=0 step 1 until n:
  draw point k of p100..point n-k of p200;