%% File: schedule.doc
%% Author: Frank Pfenning (fp@cs.cmu.edu)
%% Defines macros to draw a schedule.
% The schedule file should have the following format
%  (main style and other options depending on your use):
% \documentstyle[...,schedule,...]{...}
% \begin{document}
% ...
% \begin{schedule}
% \c d h:mm-h:mm event, more;[righttop][rightbot]
% ...
% \end{schedule}
% ...
% \end{document}
% where	d   is the day, one of M T W H F S U (upper case only!).
% 	h   is the hour.  Everything < 8 is assumed to be pm, but you
% 	    maybe explicit and use the 24 hour clock.
% 	mm  are the minutes.
% 	event  is what will be put into the box for the specified 
% 	       time slot.  \\ starts a new line.
% 	more  (optional) is another line in the box for the event.
% 	      It will be separated from the event by some extra space.
% 	righttop  (optional) is text which is placed in the
% 		  top right corner of the box (in small type).
%       rightbot  (optional) like righttop, put at the bottom
% 		  right corner of the box.
% NOTES: - The spaces after the day and the time as well as the semi-colon
%          at the end of the line (before optional arguments) are necessary!
%        - Do not use footnotes in schedule items - they wont appear
%          on the page.
%        - For events without duration (beginning time = end time) the `room'
% 	 entry will appear below the line, the `event' entry above the line.
%        - For short events the type may be too large.  Here you may leave out
% 	 event and room and merely specify `[righttop]' and `[rightbot]',
% 	 which will appear in small print.  For example:
% 	 \c T 3:30-3:45 ;[See Rick][Short Meeting]
%        - The events do not need to appear in chronological order.  This
% 	 allows you to have a file with all regular events and include it in a
% 	 schedule for a particular week with
% 	 \input{filename}
% 	 anywhere between \begin{schedule} and \end{schedule}.
%        - Sometimes your will get spurious overfull \vbox or \hbox
% 	 warning messages.  The schedule will often look acceptable anyway.
% PostScript Notes (perhaps site dependent, works at CMU):
%        - When using pslatex, you can shade the background of a class by
%          using replacing \c by one of the following:
% 	 \cw (white), \cL (very light gray), \cl (light gray),
% 	 \cd (dark gray), \cD (very dark gray)
%          \c is treated like \cl, but that can be changed through
% 	 \def\backgrounddefault{<shade>}, where <shade> is one of
% 	 \white, \Light, \light, \dark, \Dark.  When the file is run through
% 	 latex instead of pslatex, those shadings are ignored.
%        - When there are overlapping classes, the one later in the input file
%          will shadow the earlier one.  When output is produced
% 	 for non-PostScript devices, both will be visible.
%        - When landscape format is desired (with or without the use of
%          \landscape below), create the PostScript file from the dvi file with
% 	 dvi-ps -o landscape file.dvi > file.ps
% The variables and their defaults are
% \schedunitlength 1.1pt - may be used to scale the schedule.
% \daywidth 80 - width of one day column in multiples of unitlength.
% \hourlength 60 - length of one hour in multiples of unitlength.
% \startday 8 - time in hours for schedule to begin.
% \endday 5 - time in hours for schedule to end.
% \firstday 0 - 0 for Monday through 6 for Sunday
% \lastday 4 - 0 for Monday through 6 for Sunday
% \preamble {} - arbitrary LaTeX-format text to precede the schedule.
% \schedtopsep 40 - distance between bottom of preamble and schedule box in
% 		  multiples of unitlength.
% \postamble {} - arbitrary LaTeX-format text to follow the schedule.
% \schedbotsep 40 - distance between top of postamble and schedule box in
% 		  multiple of unitlength.
% \landscape and \portrait (default) - sets the \daywidth and \hourlength.
% 	Defaults for portrait are \daywidth 80 and \hourlength 60,
% 	defaults for landscape are \daywidth 120 and \hourlength 40.
% \markhours and \nomarkhours (default) - forces a grid to be printed into
% 	the schedule which makes it easier to write in new events by hand.
% \showdates and \shownodates (default) - forces the dates of the week
% 	to be printed ant the bottom of the schedule.  Set the date of
% 	Monday using \beginweek.
% \beginweek 0/1 - The date of the first day on the schedule (usually Monday)
%         in the format month/day.  For example:
% 	\beginweek 5/13
% 	if the week on the schedule begins on May 13.  This only has
% 	an effect if \showdates was set.
% \firstdate 0/1 - synonym for \beginweek
% \singlepagestyle (default inherited from the main document style): 
% 	- use empty page style, no top margin.
% These variables may be set BEFORE the 'schedule' environment is entered.
% Known bugs:  Some lines do not match up exactly, I suspect due to the fact
% 	     that a framed box contains the frame on its outside.  One
% 	     has to come very close to see this, so I am not motivated
% 	     to fix this.
% 	     The \firstdate or \beginweek must appear before the
%	     \begin{schedule}.  This is bothersome if one keeps updating
%	     the events, but not the variables from week to week.
% 	     The postscript gray-level options have not been tested
% 	     outside CMU.
% Two examples follow.
% ---- An individual weekly schedule ----
% \documentstyle[12pt,fullpage,schedule]{article}
% \voffset -0.2in   %  may be useful if its a tight fit.
% \singlepagestyle
% \landscape        %  landscape for previewing.
% \thicklines
% \schedunitlength=1.1pt
% \startday 9 \endday 5
% \markhours
% \preamble{\Large Schedule Spring '84}
% \postamble{\small No classes during fall break Nov 3 -- Nov 10}
% \begin{document}
% \begin{schedule}
% \c M 2:00-3:15 Applied Logic\\Seminar;[][SH 324]
% \c T 1:30-3:30 Discrete Math;[Statman][WeH 6121]
% \c T 3:30-5:00 TPS Meeting;[Andrews][TPS Group]
% \c W 2:00-3:15 Applied Logic\\Seminar;[][DH 2105]
% \c H 2:00-3:30 Logic Seminar;[][WeH 5427]
% \end{schedule}
% \end{document}
% ---- The schedule of a two-day workshop ----
% \documentstyle[12pt,fullpage,schedule]{article}
% \singlepagestyle
% \hourlength=58 \daywidth=200
% \thicklines
% \schedunitlength=1.1pt
% \startday 9 \endday 7
% \firstday 4 \lastday 5
% \preamble{\large Meeting on Metalanguage and Tools for Mechanizing Formal
% Deductive Theories}
% \showdates
% \firstdate 11/13
% \begin{document}
% \begin{schedule}
% \c F 9:00-9:45 Using a Higher-Order\\Logic Programming Language\\
%  to Implement Program Transformations;[D. Miller][UPenn]
% \c F 9:45-10:30 Building Proof Systems in an Extended \\
%   Logic Programming Language;[A. Felty][Upenn]
% \cw F 10:30-10:45 Break;[][]
% \c F 10:45-12:15 The Categorical Abstract Machine\\
%   State of the Art;[P.-L. Curien][ENS]
% \cw F 12:15-1:15 Lunch;[][]
% \c F 1:15-1:45 A Very Brief Look at NuPRL;[J. Bates][CMU]
% \c F 1:45-2:15 Reasoning about Programs\\
%    that Construct Proofs;[R. Constable][Cornell]
% \cw F 2:15-2:30 Break;[][]
% \c F 2:30-3:15 Theorem Proving via Partial Reflection;[D. Howe][Cornell]
% \c F 3:15-3:45 MetaPrl: A Framework for\\Knowledge Based Media;[J. Bates][CMU]
% \cw F 3:45-4:00 Break;[][]
% \cd F 4:00-5:00 Discussion:\\The Role of Formal Reasoning\\in Software
%  Development;[][]
% \cL F 5:00-6:30 Demos:\\
%   PRL (WeH 4114)\\
%   $\lambda$-Prolog (WeH 4623);[][]
% \c S 9:00-9:45 A Framework for Defining Logics;[R. Harper][Edinburgh]
% \c S 9:45-10:30 The Logician's Workbench\\
%   in the Ergo Support System;[F. Pfenning][CMU]
% \cw S 10:30-10:45 Break;[][]
% \c S 10:45-11:30 A Tactical Approach\\
%     to Algorithm Design;[D. Smith][Kestrel]
% \c S 11:30-12:15 Reusing Data Structure Designs;[A. Goldberg][Kestrel]
% \cw S 12:15-1:15 Lunch\\WeH 4605;[][]
% \c S 1:15-2:00 Paddle: Popart's Development Language;[D. Wile][USC/ISI]
% \c S 2:00-2:45 Mechanizing Construction and\\
%     Modification of Specifications;[M. Feather][USC/ISI]
% \cw S 2:45-3:00 Break;[][]
% \c S 3:00-3:45 The TPS Theorem Proving System;[P. Andrews][CMU]
% \c S 3:45-4:30 ONTIC: Knowledge Representation\\
%    for Mathematics;[D. McAllester][Cornell]
% \cL S 4:30-6:00 Demos\\
%   Popart (WeH 4114)\\
%   The LF Proof Editor (WeH 4623)\\
%   TPS (WeH 7211);[][]
% \put(0,-35){\makebox(\daywidth,20){Wherrett Room, Skibo}}
% \put(\daywidth,-35){\makebox(\daywidth,20){Wean Hall 7500}}
% \end{schedule}
% \end{document}
% Here the definitions begin.
% File: schedule.sty
% Author: Frank Pfenning (fp@cs.cmu.edu)
% Defines macros to draw a schedule.
% Documentation is in schedule.doc
% Use this as an option to another documentstyle.

\def\singlepagestyle{\topmargin 0pt\pagestyle{empty}\thispagestyle{empty}}

  % The indented stuff following allows gray levels on postscript devices.
  % It may only work at this installation (CMU).
  % Is there a reliable way to tell whether the output device is
  % postscript?
  \expandafter\ifx\csname PostScript\endcsname\relax

      \def\setgray #1{\special{"#1 setgray"}}
	% Changes the gray level of the "pen" on the PostScript device
	%  #1 should be a number between 0 and 
	%  0 is black         1 is white 
	% NB Remember to reset the gray level to black.
      \def\Dark{} \def\dark{} \def\light{} \def\Light{} \def\white{}


\newdimen\schedunitlength \schedunitlength=1.1pt

\def\portrait{\hourlength=60 \daywidth=80}
\def\landscape{\hourlength=40 \daywidth=120}

\newcount\startday \startday=8
\newcount\endday \endday=5

\newcount\firstday \firstday=0
\newcount\lastday \lastday=4

\newcount\schedtopsep \schedtopsep=40
\newcount\schedbotsep \schedbotsep=40

\newcount\dday \dday=1
\newcount\mmonth \mmonth=0

\newcount\ypos \newcount\xpos \newcount\ylength

\newcount\tempa \newcount\tempb \newcount\tempc \newcount\tempd


\newcount\schedwidth \newcount\hschedwidth






\def\beginweek#1/{\mmonth #1\dday }


\ypos=0 \xpos=0
\ylength=0 \tempa=0 \tempb=0 \tempc=0 \tempd=0
\ifnum \endday<8 \advance\endday by 12\fi
\ifnum \startday<8 \advance\startday by 12\fi
\schedtop=\endday \advance\schedtop by -\startday
\multiply\schedtop by\hourlength
\firstdayoffset=\firstday \multiply\firstdayoffset by\daywidth
\numdays=\lastday \advance\numdays by -\firstday
\schedwidth=\numdays \advance\schedwidth by 1
  \multiply\schedwidth by\daywidth
\hschedwidth=\schedwidth \divide\hschedwidth by 2


\def\commaparse#1,{\@ifnextchar ,{#1\ignorechar}{#1\\[1.3em]\commaparse}}



   \@ifnextchar [{\optone}{\relax}%]

   \@ifnextchar [{\opttwo}{\relax}%]


   \scriptsize{\raisebox{0em}[0.85em]{\scriptsize{\hskip 0.2em #1}}}}}

   \scriptsize{\raisebox{0em}[0.85em]{\scriptsize{#1\hskip 0.2em}}}}}

   \scriptsize{\raisebox{0.2em}{\scriptsize{\hskip 0.2em #1}}}}}

   \scriptsize{\raisebox{0.2em}{\scriptsize{#1\hskip 0.2em}}}}}

	\advance \xpos by -\firstdayoffset
   \if M#1\else \advance\xpos by\daywidth
   \if T#1\else \advance\xpos by\daywidth
   \if W#1\else \advance\xpos by\daywidth
   \if H#1\else \advance\xpos by\daywidth
   \if F#1\else \advance\xpos by\daywidth
   \if S#1\else \advance\xpos by\daywidth
   \if U#1\else \advance\xpos by\daywidth\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi}


\def\cdefault#1 #2:#3-#4:#5 {%
      %% First convert time to 24hour clock
      \ypos=-#2 \ifnum \ypos>-8 \advance\ypos by -12\fi
      \ylength=#4 \ifnum \ylength<8 \advance\ylength by 12\fi
      %% Now calculate the length of the entry: hours
      \advance\ylength by \ypos \multiply\ylength by\hourlength
      %% Calculate the beginning of the entry in hours
      \advance\ypos by\startday
      \multiply\ypos by\hourlength
      \advance\ypos by\schedtop
      %% Add the minutes
      \tempa=#3 \multiply\tempa by\hourlength \divide\tempa by 60
      \advance\ypos by -\tempa
      %% Add minutes to length.
      \tempa=#5 \advance\tempa by -#3
      \multiply\tempa by\hourlength \divide\tempa by 60
      \advance\ylength by\tempa
      %% The lower left corner is at beginning of entry - length of entry
      \advance\ypos by -\ylength
      \xpos=0 \daywidthxpos{#1}%
      \ifPS \grayput\fi

\def\putday#1{\ifnum \firstday<\tempc \ifnum \tempc<\tempd
	   \if T\showdatesflag
	       \increaseday \fi
           \advance\tempa by\daywidth \fi \fi
	   \advance\tempc by 1}

\def\nextmonth{\advance\mmonth by 1\dday 1}

\def\increaseday{\advance\dday by 1
  \ifnum \dday=29\ifnum \mmonth=2\nextmonth\fi\fi
  \ifnum \dday=31\ifcase \mmonth \or \or \or \or \nextmonth
				 \or \or \nextmonth \or \or
				 \or \nextmonth \or \or \nextmonth
				 \or \fi\fi
  \ifnum \dday=32\ifcase \mmonth \or \nextmonth \or \or \nextmonth
				 \or \or \nextmonth \or \or \nextmonth
				 \or \nextmonth \or \or \nextmonth
				 \or \or \mmonth 1\dday 1\fi\fi}




\tempa=\schedtop \advance\tempa by\schedtopsep

%% One more time stamp than there are hours.
\tempa=\startday \advance\tempa by -1

\xpos=\startday \ypos=\schedtop
\loop \ifnum \xpos>12 \advance\xpos by -12\fi
      \put(0,\ypos){\makebox(0,0)[r]{\the\xpos :00\hskip 1.7em}}%
      \advance\ypos by -\hourlength \advance\tempa by 1
      \advance\xpos by 1
      \ifnum \tempa<\endday \repeat

\tempa=\endday \advance\tempa by -\startday \advance\tempa by 1
   \makebox(0,0)[r]{\vrule height 0.4pt width 1.5em}}

\if T\hourlengthmarks
      \makebox(0,0)[t]{\vrule height 0.3em width 0.4pt}}
      \makebox(0,0)[b]{\vrule height 0.3em width 0.4pt}}
  \advance\tempa by -2
  \tempd=\schedtop \advance\tempd by -\hourlength
  \tempb=\daywidth \tempc=0
      \makebox(0,0)[l]{\vrule height 0.4pt width 0.3em}}
  \loop \multiput(\tempb,\tempd)(0,-\hourlength){\tempa}{%
           \makebox(0,0)[c]{\vrule height 0.2pt depth 0.2pt width 0.3em 
                            \vrule height 0.3em depth 0.3em width 0.4pt
			    \vrule height 0.2pt depth 0.2pt width 0.3em}}
        \advance\tempb by \daywidth	  
        \advance\tempc by 1
        \ifnum \tempc<\numdays \repeat
      \makebox(0,0)[r]{\vrule height 0.4pt width 0.3em}}

\tempa=0 \tempc=1 \tempd=\lastday \advance\tempd by 2

