                emTeX/TDS -- list of changes

v0.56 <2001-09-30>

  Latest versions of LaTeX, PSNFSS 8.2 and other packages,
  including KOMA-Script; minor fixes to Babel.

  Replaced wrong dehyphn.tex with correct version.

  Added documentation of (n)german.sty.

  Type 1 fonts:  Fixed line and circle fonts wrt/ AR5
  compatibility; added missing variants of the wncyr fonts;
  added "St-Mary-Road" math symbols and related macro
  package; added "BrushScriptX" typeface.
  With emTeX/TDS, the name of the dvips option to load the
  CM fonts in Type1 format used to be "-P cmfonts".  This
  is now changed to "-P cms", in order to comply with other
  TeX systems and with the description in the "LaTeX Web

  Xipa and Ibycus fonts not supplied, but listed in the 
  dvips map file.
  Obsolete dvihps.exe is no longer supplied.
  Minor bug fix re. makelatex.cmd (include path).
  tfe.cfg (configuration file for TeX Front End) 
  updated wrt/ GSView 4.0
Note that this includes all fixes of FP #007, too.

v0.55 <2001-04-04>

* French patterns updated to v2.9.
* Dutch patterns replaced by new `1996' version.
* Danish, Spanish and Portuguese patterns replaced by the 
  versions, which are `officially' recommended by the 
  particular TeX user groups.
* Russian pattens added; however, they are not installed 
  by default

* KOMA-Script 2.6d
* Babel 3.7
* PSNFSS v8.1a with minor bugfixes

* added missing CM and AMS-Cyrillic fonts in Type1 format;
  updated cmfonts.map accordingly;
* fixed Type1 fonts cmbsy5, cmbsy7, cmmib5, cmmib7
  (== FP 005)
* the LY1 encoding is now supported, too
* added "Marvosym" symbols font

* tfe,cfg updated wrt/ GSView 3.6

v0.54 <2000-10-04>

* latest LaTeX (June 2000)
* latest AMS-LaTeX (July 2000)
* latest releases of KOMA-Script, cmbright.sty, ccfonts.sty
* fixed .fd files for the AMS fonts; no more need to load 
  the amssymb package with the buggy option [psamsfonts]
* fixed hyphen.cfg, making the [norsk] option of Babel work  

plain TeX
* plain TeX 3.1415926

* fixed config.ps for MF modes other than "ljfour"
  (== FP #004 )

v0.53 as of 2000-03-22

Installation instructions and tdsinst.cmd updated with 
respect to latest Ghostscript/GSView.

v0.53 <2000-02-07>

* latest LaTeX (Dec. 1999)
* AMS-LaTeX 2.x
* PSNFSS 8.1
* latest KOMA-script and dinbrief bundles
* 8-bit portuguese hyphenatation patterns
* calrsfs.sty removed -- please, use mathrsfs instead
* LaTeX Font definitions for TS1/ccr fixed

* new Type1 fonts:  Adobe Utopia, Bitstream Charter
latest AE fonts v1.2

* font names of the Adobe Euro fonts changed, for compliance
with the KB scheme

Drivers, Tools
* dvihplj replaced with 32 bit version.
* vptovf updated to v1.5.
* afm2tfm program added.

v0.52 <1999-08-09>

* latest LaTeX (June 1999)
* new packages:  wasysym, mathrsfs
* Babel updated to 3.6x

new fonts:  Waldi's symbols (wasy) in both Metafont and
PostScript format.

New Type1 versions of the CM and AMS fonts, which can be
used with VTeX/2, too.  As to using the fonts with dvips,
nothing has changed, since the map file has been adapted

* psfonts.map now includes the entries for all installed
Type1 fonts.

* dvi(h)ps32.exe renamed to dvi(h)ps.exe; old files are,
however, NOT deleted upon installation, so that existent
shell scripts will work without changes.

makeindex.exe replaced with version from the original emtex
distribution;  in contrast to the previous one, this program 
will accept multiple input directories in the environmemt 
variable INDEXSTYLE.

v0.51 <1999-04-20>

TeX, LaTeX
Babel package v3.6t (including support for new German
orthography), mathpple package v1.1.

PostScript (Type1) versions of all CM, AMS and MFLogo fonts
will be installed by default.

Removed entries for obsolete logo fonts from map file
psfonts.cmz.  Added map file logo.map + related entry in

v0.5 <1999-03-23>

TeX, LaTeX
The name of the US-English hyphenation pattern file has been
changed, thus complying with DEK's file naming scheme:
  UShyphen.tex  ->  hyphen.tex

The names of the traditional and new German hyphenation 
pattern files have been changed:
  ghyph31.tex   ->  dehypht.tex
  gnhyph01.tex  ->  dehyphn.tex
Besides, the new patterns have been updated to Rev.28, thus
fixing a few bugs.  The old pattern files ghyph31.tex and 
gnhyph01.tex should be deleted.

LaTeX comes with more languages supported -- see the 
"Technical Manual".

The directories of the Babel system have been moved from 
texmf\***\latex\babel\ to texmf\***\generic\babel\.

New LaTeX classes and packages:  the KOMA script classes and 
the packages eurosym, eurosans, mathpple and calrsfs

All packages and hyphenation patterns have been updated to 
the latest version.  (Babel, however, is still v3.6h, 
due to a bug in the new 3.6k.)

Language configuration for plain TeX is now set up in a file
named "plain.cfg" (previously:  hyphen.tex) in the directory
texmf\tex\plain\local.  In case a file "hyphen.tex" still
exists there, it is to be deleted.  The script
makeplaintex.cmd should, however, ignore it.

New MF fonts:  AMS Cyrillic, Eurosym, rsfs

Additional Type1 fonts:  CM, AMS, Euler, RSFS, Adobe Euro
(font metrics only).

The search paths of dvips are now fully TDS compliant.
All configuration files are located below texmf\dvips:

   The default configuration file config.ps and all standard
   .map, .pro and .enc files are located in the subdirectory

   "config.ps" is not to be changed by the user any more! 
   Write your dvips configuration data to a file named 
   "dvips.ini" instead; this file should reside in the 
   subdirectory "local".

   The directory texmf\emtex\data\dvips is no longer used;
   its contents may be deleted.
Additional PostScript (Type1)  fonts should reside in 
subdirectories of texmf\fonts\type1 and will there be 
found by dvips.

In this context the new environment variables TEXCONFIG and 
TYPE1FONTS had to be introduced.

dvips has been updated to v5.83; the well known bugs and
limitations affecting partial font downloading should have
gone now.

-- finis