| Index Entry | Section |
B | | |
| back-to-indentation | 32.17.6 Indentation-Based Motion Commands |
| backquote (list substitution) | 13.5 Backquote |
| backslash in character constant | 2.3.3 Character Type |
| backslash in strings | Syntax for Strings |
| backslash in symbols | 2.3.4 Symbol Type |
| backspace | 2.3.3 Character Type |
| backtrace | 18.1.8 Internals of the Debugger |
| backtrace-debug | 18.1.8 Internals of the Debugger |
| backtrace-frame | 18.1.8 Internals of the Debugger |
| backtracking | Backtracking in Specifications |
| backup file | 26.1 Backup Files |
| backup files, how to make them | 26.1.2 Backup by Renaming or by Copying? |
| backup-buffer | 26.1.1 Making Backup Files |
| backup-by-copying | 26.1.2 Backup by Renaming or by Copying? |
| backup-by-copying-when-linked | 26.1.2 Backup by Renaming or by Copying? |
| backup-by-copying-when-mismatch | 26.1.2 Backup by Renaming or by Copying? |
| backup-by-copying-when-privileged-mismatch | 26.1.2 Backup by Renaming or by Copying? |
| backup-directory-alist | 26.1.1 Making Backup Files |
| backup-enable-predicate | 26.1.1 Making Backup Files |
| backup-file-name-p | 26.1.4 Naming Backup Files |
| backup-inhibited | 26.1.1 Making Backup Files |
| backward-char | 30.2.1 Motion by Characters |
| backward-delete-char-untabify | 32.6 Deleting Text |
| backward-delete-char-untabify-method | 32.6 Deleting Text |
| backward-list | 30.2.6 Moving over Balanced Expressions |
| backward-prefix-chars | 35.5 Motion and Syntax |
| backward-sexp | 30.2.6 Moving over Balanced Expressions |
| backward-to-indentation | 32.17.6 Indentation-Based Motion Commands |
| backward-word | 30.2.2 Motion by Words |
| balancing parentheses | 38.14 Blinking Parentheses |
| barf-if-buffer-read-only | 27.7 Read-Only Buffers |
| base 64 encoding | 32.23 Base 64 Encoding |
| base buffer | 27.11 Indirect Buffers |
| base coding system | 33.10.1 Basic Concepts of Coding Systems |
| base for reading an integer | 3.1 Integer Basics |
| base64-decode-region | 32.23 Base 64 Encoding |
| base64-decode-string | 32.23 Base 64 Encoding |
| base64-encode-region | 32.23 Base 64 Encoding |
| base64-encode-string | 32.23 Base 64 Encoding |
| basic code (of input character) | 21.6.1 Keyboard Events |
| batch mode | 40.13 Batch Mode |
| batch-byte-compile | 16.2 The Compilation Functions |
| baud-rate | 40.9 Terminal Output |
| beep | 38.18 Beeping |
| beeping | 38.18 Beeping |
| before point, insertion | 32.4 Inserting Text |
| before-advice | 17.2 Defining Advice |
| before-change-functions | 32.25 Change Hooks |
| before-init-hook | 40.1.2 The Init File, `.emacs' |
| before-make-frame-hook | 29.1 Creating Frames |
| before-revert-hook | 26.3 Reverting |
| before-string (overlay property) | 38.9.1 Overlay Properties |
| beginning of line | 30.2.4 Motion by Text Lines |
| beginning of line in regexp | Special Characters in Regular Expressions |
| beginning-of-buffer | 30.2.3 Motion to an End of the Buffer |
| beginning-of-defun | 30.2.6 Moving over Balanced Expressions |
| beginning-of-defun-function | 30.2.6 Moving over Balanced Expressions |
| beginning-of-line | 30.2.4 Motion by Text Lines |
| bell | 38.18 Beeping |
| bell character | 2.3.3 Character Type |
| binary files and text files | 33.10.9 MS-DOS File Types |
| binding arguments | 12.2.3 Other Features of Argument Lists |
| binding local variables | 11.3 Local Variables |
| binding of a key | 22.1 Keymap Terminology |
| bitmap-spec-p | 38.11.3 Face Attributes |
| bitwise and | 3.8 Bitwise Operations on Integers |
| bitwise exclusive or | 3.8 Bitwise Operations on Integers |
| bitwise not | 3.8 Bitwise Operations on Integers |
| bitwise or | 3.8 Bitwise Operations on Integers |
| blink-matching-delay | 38.14 Blinking Parentheses |
| blink-matching-open | 38.14 Blinking Parentheses |
| blink-matching-paren | 38.14 Blinking Parentheses |
| blink-matching-paren-distance | 38.14 Blinking Parentheses |
| blink-paren-function | 38.14 Blinking Parentheses |
| blinking | 38.14 Blinking Parentheses |
| bobp | 32.1 Examining Text Near Point |
| body of function | 12.2.1 Components of a Lambda Expression |
| bold (face name) | 38.11.1 Standard Faces |
| bold-italic (face name) | 38.11.1 Standard Faces |
| bolp | 32.1 Examining Text Near Point |
| bool-vector-p | 6.7 Bool-vectors |
| Bool-vectors | 6.7 Bool-vectors |
| boolean | 1.3.2 nil and t |
| boundp | 11.4 When a Variable is "Void" |
| box diagrams, for lists | 2.3.6 Cons Cell and List Types |
| box representation for lists | 5.2 Lists as Linked Pairs of Boxes |
| break | 18.1 The Lisp Debugger |
| breakpoints | 18.2.6 Breakpoints |
| bucket (in obarray) | 8.3 Creating and Interning Symbols |
| buffer | 27. Buffers |
| buffer contents | 32. Text |
| buffer file name | 27.4 Buffer File Name |
| buffer input stream | 19.2 Input Streams |
| buffer internals | E.6.1 Buffer Internals |
| buffer list | 27.8 The Buffer List |
| buffer modification | 27.5 Buffer Modification |
| buffer names | 27.3 Buffer Names |
| buffer output stream | 19.4 Output Streams |
| buffer text notation | 1.3.6 Buffer Text Notation |
| buffer, read-only | 27.7 Read-Only Buffers |
| buffer-access-fontified-property | 32.19.8 Lazy Computation of Text Properties |
| buffer-access-fontify-functions | 32.19.8 Lazy Computation of Text Properties |
| buffer-auto-save-file-name | 26.2 Auto-Saving |
| buffer-backed-up | 26.1.1 Making Backup Files |
| buffer-base-buffer | 27.11 Indirect Buffers |
| buffer-disable-undo | 32.10 Maintaining Undo Lists |
| buffer-display-table | 38.17.2 Active Display Table |
| buffer-display-time | 28.6 Buffers and Windows |
| buffer-enable-undo | 32.10 Maintaining Undo Lists |
| buffer-end | 30.1 Point |
| buffer-file-coding-system | 33.10.2 Encoding and I/O |
| buffer-file-format | 25.12 File Format Conversion |
| buffer-file-name | 27.4 Buffer File Name |
| buffer-file-number | 27.4 Buffer File Name |
| buffer-file-truename | 27.4 Buffer File Name |
| buffer-file-type | 33.10.9 MS-DOS File Types |
| buffer-flush-undo | 32.10 Maintaining Undo Lists |
| buffer-has-markers-at | 31.4 Information from Markers |
| buffer-invisibility-spec | 38.5 Invisible Text |
| buffer-list | 27.8 The Buffer List |
| buffer-local variables | 11.10 Buffer-Local Variables |
| buffer-local variables in modes | 23.1.1 Major Mode Conventions |
| buffer-local-variables | 11.10.2 Creating and Deleting Buffer-Local Bindings |
| Buffer-menu-mode-map | H. Standard Keymaps |
| buffer-modified-p | 27.5 Buffer Modification |
| buffer-modified-tick | 27.5 Buffer Modification |
| buffer-name | 27.3 Buffer Names |
| buffer-name-history | 20.4 Minibuffer History |
| buffer-offer-save | 27.10 Killing Buffers |
| buffer-read-only | 27.7 Read-Only Buffers |
| buffer-saved-size | 26.2 Auto-Saving |
| buffer-size | 30.1 Point |
| buffer-string | 32.2 Examining Buffer Contents |
| buffer-substring | 32.2 Examining Buffer Contents |
| buffer-substring-no-properties | 32.2 Examining Buffer Contents |
| buffer-undo-list | 32.9 Undo |
| bufferp | 27.1 Buffer Basics |
| buffers, controlled in windows | 28.6 Buffers and Windows |
| buffers, creating | 27.9 Creating Buffers |
| buffers, killing | 27.10 Killing Buffers |
| building Emacs | E.1 Building Emacs |
| building lists | 5.5 Building Cons Cells and Lists |
| built-in function | 12.1 What Is a Function? |
| bury-buffer | 27.8 The Buffer List |
| butlast | 5.4 Accessing Elements of Lists |
| button-down event | 21.6.6 Button-Down Events |
| byte-boolean-vars | E.5 Writing Emacs Primitives |
| byte-code | 16.2 The Compilation Functions |
| byte-code function | 16.6 Byte-Code Function Objects |
| byte-code interpreter | 16.2 The Compilation Functions |
| byte-code-function-p | 12.1 What Is a Function? |
| byte-compile | 16.2 The Compilation Functions |
| byte-compile-dynamic | 16.4 Dynamic Loading of Individual Functions |
| byte-compile-dynamic-docstrings | 16.3 Documentation Strings and Compilation |
| byte-compile-file | 16.2 The Compilation Functions |
| byte-compiling macros | 13.3 Macros and Byte Compilation |
| byte-compiling require | 15.6 Features |
| byte-recompile-directory | 16.2 The Compilation Functions |
| byte-to-position | 33.1 Text Representations |
| bytes | 4. Strings and Characters |
| bytes and characters | 33.6 Characters and Bytes |